Speaker Profile

Graciela Leal

Director of Methodology at PCI Media.

Graciela brings over 15 years of research expertise and cross-cultural sensitivity to her role as PCI Media’s Director of Methodology. She is experienced in leading Entertainment-Education programs in a range of technical areas and geographies. Her portfolio includes programs that promote sustainable farming in Central America during COVID-19, a 21-country campaign to prevent early pregnancy in Eastern and Southern Africa, and a regional Social Behavior Change Communications campaign in the Caribbean to prevent violence against women and girls.

Graciela ensures that each program has a Learning, Monitoring, and Evaluation framework; she collaborates with her colleagues, partners, and independent experts to design tools for data collection and learning. Graciela holds a M.A. in Sociology of Education, from New York University and a B.A. in Communication Studies from ITESO University in Guadalajara, Mexico, with an emphasis in educational interventions, communication theory, and social research. She is bilingual in Spanish and English.